Graduation Requirements
Upon completion of all requirements, graduates are awarded an Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.) major in Nursing degree. To earn their degree, students must:
- Complete all required courses with a grade of (C) or above
- Complete mandated reporter module
- Achieve a Cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above
- Meet all financial and academic obligations
- Complete NCLEX Prep/Review Course
Licensure Eligibility
The practice of nursing or use of “Registered Professional Nurse” (RN) within New York State requires licensure. Pomeroy College of Nursing’s curriculum, program of study, meets the educational requirements to award the Associate in Applied Science in Nursing degree upon successful completion of the program. Graduates are eligible to take the NCLEX-RN exam for Registered Nurse licensure in New York. Other states may have different educational requirements for Registered Nurse licensure. Pomeroy College of Nursing has not made a determination of whether the curriculum meets educational requirements for professional licensure in states other than New York. All forms for licensure in New York State are available in the Registrar’s Office.
General Requirements
To be licensed as a registered professional nurse in New York State you must:
- Be of good moral character;
- Be at least eighteen years of age;
- Meet education requirements;
- Complete coursework or training in the identification and reporting of child abuse and maltreatment offered by a New York State provider
- Meet examination requirements
- Apply for an RN license with NYSED
Applicants must file an application for licensure and the other forms indicated, along with the appropriate fee to the Office of the Professions at the address specified on each form. It is the applicant’s responsibility to follow up with any requests for additional documentation. Laws that govern RN licensure are included in Education Law Article 139 and 8 NYCRR Part 64. These can be found on the New York State Education Department/Office of the Professions website, by emailing or by calling 518-474-3817 x570.
You must demonstrate that you are currently of good moral character in order to be licensed or registered as an RN. When you apply for an RN license or to renew your registration, you will be required to answer the following questions:
- Have you been found guilty after trial, or pleaded guilty, no contest or nolo contendere to a crime (felony or misdemeanor) in any court?
- Are criminal charges pending against you in any court? Has any licensing or disciplinary authority refused to issue you a license or ever revoked, annulled, cancelled, accepted surrender of, suspended, placed on probation, refused to renew a professional licensed or certificate held by you now or previously, or ever fined, censured, reprimanded or otherwise disciplined you?
- Are charges pending against you in any jurisdiction for any sort of professional misconduct?
- Has any hospital or licensed facility restricted or terminated your professional training, employment or privileges or have you ever voluntarily or involuntarily resigned or withdrawn from such association to avoid imposition of such measures?
A “yes answer” to one or more of these questions will not necessarily disqualify you from a license or a registration. The New York State Education Department decides on a case by case basis whether prior criminal conviction(s) or other issues will disqualify the applicant from being licensed or registered as an RN.

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