Crouse Medical Practice Adds Eye Imaging Technology for Diabetics

Crouse Medical Practice (CMP) recently installed advanced camera technology to help those with diabetes in detecting and preventing eye problems that can lead to blindness.

A retinal camera was introduced at the primary care practice, affiliated with Crouse Health, to capture high-resolution digital images of parts of the inner eye.

The sophisticated system takes images of the retina, optic disc, macula and other areas of the eye to detect diabetes-related eye disease.

The images are then uploaded to ‘the cloud’ and evaluated by a board-certified retinal specialist, all within 90 minutes, according to CMP Medical Director Carl Butch, MD.

“In adults, the number one cause of non-traumatic blindness is diabetic eye disease,” says Dr. Butch. “We have found that fewer than 50 percent of our diabetic patients are undergoing annual retinal exams. This high-tech camera allows for early detection of retinal abnormalities. With early detection, 95 percent of vision loss cases can be prevented.”

Those with diabetes are invited to learn more about this preventive service at Crouse Medical Practice by calling 315-479-5070.