Crouse Employee Health Plan Incentive
The Crouse mission is to provide the best in patient care and to promote community health — this includes the well-being of our own employees and their families. Earn up to $500 by following the recommendations of your primary care provider and meeting program requirements.
Who can participate?
Crouse Hospital or Crouse Medical Practice employees enrolled in the Crouse health insurance plan by Aug. 1 are eligible. If enrolled after Aug. 1, you must wait until the following program year.
Incentives are delivered in the following calendar year. Employees must be employed by Crouse Hospital or Crouse Medical Practice at the time the incentive is delivered (exception: retirement).
Getting Started:
By May 31, complete program registration by clicking on “2024 Registration” button above. Employees who enroll in the health plan between June 1 – August 1 will have until August 1 to complete registration.
Print and review the Program Packet to determine which services you need to obtain based on your demographic and medical history.
Ensure your required appointments are scheduled, use the “Program Checklist & Tips” section of the packet as a guide.
Program participants can work with any PCP and are not required to use certain providers. If you need a PCP, please refer to the section below.
Completing the Program Form:
Fill in the “Patient Complete” section of the form.
Provide a response to each Level 1 requirement. If a service does not apply to you because you are not in the demographic or do not have medical history indicated for a requirement, mark “N/A.” If you meet the exception criteria, mark “Exception Applies.”
After you complete all of the necessary services, give the form to your Primary Care Provider (PCP). Your PCP will review the form for accuracy, complete Level 2, and sign the form.
Work with your PCP to submit the form via fax or email. You or your provider can submit the form. If you ask your provider to send you the completed form to submit, you will have the opportunity to ensure all fields are completed.
Form Processing Schedule
Forms are generally processed according to the schedule below.
January 1 – August 31: Once per month
September 1 – November 30: Twice per month
December 1 – January 15: Weekly
After your form is processed, you will receive an email that confirms the amount of incentive you earned. If you do not receive this email as expected, please contact to inquire about the status of your form.
Program forms are processed by 1-2 staff within the Crouse Population Health team. Forms are not shared with Human Resources, Employee Health, management or any other team within the organization. Forms are only used for the purpose of calculating and delivering your incentive.
If you need a Primary Care Provider:
Any individual in need of a PCP can visit our providers page to view a Crouse Health Network practice listing.
If you have any questions about this program, please contact our program coordinator at 315-470-8034 or

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